

I finally acquiesced and we got a Wii. Logan is much too fond of Wii-Bowling... but I decided that the Wii Fit was a must have. So off we trotted in search of a Wii. Surprisingly, still very hard to find! But after 3 stores- we found one!
I can now proclaim that I can beat my husband at Wii-Boxing. (insert Rocky theme music here)
This has been the year of fun shiny things! (The Chinese really need this one on their calendar- who wants to be a pig?!)
...although I feel like I must admit my fitness age was 62. Way to kick me when I'm down, Nintendo!
So anyway, I hope your Christmas was merry. Continue your celebrations!


  1. oooo...Wii's are great! You'll have to tell me if the Wii fitness works, thats one we haven't gotten yet. James got Guitar Hero so he can rock away when I'm working! LOL

  2. The Fit is sold out everywhere! I'll have to wait a few weeks- but I'll let you know when I get it!

  3. Super fun. I have been wanting a Wii too for Wii Fit. We still haven't gotten one. Let me know how you like Wii Fit when it comes in!!!

  4. I don't know if you were in the room when Dad made this very profound statement to Logan and I regarding the reason as to why he hasn't yet used his Wii Fit.

    His exact words: "I'm waiting until I get in better shape before I play Wii Fit."

    I couldn't stop laughing for at least 5 minutes.
