... with baths. I've tried numerous times to enjoy a good bath. I've decided they just aren't that enjoyable! It's too wet to get any good reading in, and pretty uncomfortable- there are very few pillows in there! Plus I feel like a beached whale by the time I'm done! I hate that when I step into the bath the water level rises. That's just not a pleasant experience. So I'm done with baths. They aren't fun! I know many a woman is gasping at this statement. It's so romantic, the notion of lighting candles, relaxing, blah, blah, blah. But let's face it, after you take a bath- don't you feel like you need a shower afterwards? I don't like that slimey residue left by bath soaps, and it feels like I was marinating in an Ashley soup- a shower is in order.
Well maybe if your tub was surrounded by roses and filled with rose petals you would enjoy it more....see how happy that lady is?? She loves marinating in rose soup.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you -- I've really tried to like baths, but showers seem more refreshing.
ReplyDeleteAmen Sista! The times I have decided to take a bath for whatever insane reason. I have showered afterward. LOL!
ReplyDeleteDon't tell the Las Vegas Water Authority, but I would much rather stand in a hot shower for a half hour than make "soup!" I am so on your train on this one.
ReplyDeleteSorry- one more thing... I want to rip out the giant bathtub and make one big shower room!
ReplyDeleteOooh! I like the shower room idea!
ReplyDeleteWhere's the sledgehammer?
Haha! Ashley you are RIGHT ON with this! I know several people who take baths on a regular basis...one being my mother-in-law. But I just can't do it! I don't own any full-length mirrors b/c I dont like looking at myself Ü why would I want to sit for an hour looking at my flab?
ReplyDeleteI totally agree.I cannot take a bath without taking a shower after. And there is nothing worse for your self0esteem than to see that water rise when you get in, it's like it is mocking you. I am definetly on your side, VIVA LA SHOWER!
ReplyDeleteamen and amen.
ReplyDeletehmm. well, i'm just going to be the voice of dissention here and say i LOVE baths. i never take them to get clean though. and i always get in before the tub is full, so the water rising thing doesn't bother me. i think they are luxiurious, and i miss my whirlpool tub back in our old house. *sigh*