See that rounded cabinet there? It was stuffed with user's manuals for various appliances I no longer owned, baby wipes, board and card games, and various sporting crap. I pretty much chucked everything in there.
Luckily, my mother was able to donate this awesome shelving unit. I purchased a bunch of different wicker-ish baskets. Each one has a different purpose. There is a basket full of batteries, one that holds all my office stuff, one for just cords and electronic stuff, etc.
Family portrait.
Organization makes me giggle like a tipsy school girl. Without it, my life would be a mess. (even though it kinda is anyway) How do you organize your pad? Has it changed with children? (dumbest question ever asked)
I love to see other's organization ideas/genius. It's how the girls' toy situation got under control. You can see that here.
Looking good! I love the family portait. Adorable