The kids were thrilled to wake up to rain. Through some negotiation, it was decided that if they stayed under the patio cover, they could "draw the clouds."

It was so much fun that I could not bear to make them come back inside for breakfast. So breakfast was served on the patio, as the water droplets serenaded us as they bounced off the roof.

Not every day is this delightful, (and to be fair, it's only 9am; there is plenty of day left to go awry) but I needed this. With the two year molars STILL causing a ruckus for poor Little Man's temperament, (we've just barely got one-half of the four poking like glaciers looming below the water) and the constant "togetherness" of summer- This was an oasis in our desert in so many ways.
I love the girls' cute little haircuts! It can make such a difference to do something a little out of the ordinary sometimes, right?