
The Two Day Spring

We had two days of lovely spring weather. Now summer is here, I suppose. It seems early, but then again, it always does. We took advantage by hitting up the park, and playing around with sunglasses. Had to turn the air conditioning on yesterday. Clicking that switch is awful for me, it means lots of indoor time, and gigantic electric bills.

This post is pretty much a phone dump; To remind me of the days when I liked the outdoors and every day wasn't scorching and miserable.

1 comment:

  1. SAY IT ISN'T SO!! Ok- we MUST squeak out a few more days of spring and we HAVE to hit the park- when my kids don't sleep til 630 messing up my routine!! I can't flip the switch yet- although it's getting close- won't do it til the first day of 'spring' whatever that means
